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Thank You to PGWL Residency/Fellowship Scholarship Donors!

Updated: Mar 28, 2023

A wholesome thank you to our amazing 85 donors! Our donor pool is growing and for that reason we wanted to thank you all in groups based on amount. However, we strongly believe that every donation counts, and each is invaluable for our recipients! We are so appreciative of your support!

#PGWL Gold Donors (25) - donated $300 or greater

#PGWL Silver Donors (25) - donated $100 - $300

#PGWL Bronze Donors (35) - donated up to $100

We are invested in seeing the growth of PGWL and are excited to report that we were able to support more student pharmacists this year compared to last!

Here are some 2022 statistics:

  • Number of Applicants: 77

  • Total funds: $20,610

  • Number of recipients: 38

  • Number of individual donors: 85

Compared to last year, we increased:

  • Number of Applicants by: 30

  • Total funds by: $10,365

  • Number of recipients by: 19

We started a friendly competition of the pharmacy specialties! Take a look at the final tally!* Infectious Diseases led the way, followed by Oncology! It was so close!

*Final count does not include 1 pharmacist with an unknown specialty and 5 organization-based donors

We have so much to celebrate this year, thanks to the support from all of you - the pharmacy profession!! But there continues to be a gap in how many students we are able to sponsor each year. We can only bridge this gap with your help! For additional information on what PGWL is all about, visit our website: Pharmacy | PharmGradWishList.



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